What is Geothermal Energy?

>> Friday, September 12, 2008

Geothermal energy is literally the “heat from the Earth”. It is clean, green, renewable and sustainable. Geothermal is everywhere. Among renewable energy sources in the United States, geothermal is one of the biggest. In the U.S., geothermal energy accounts for most of the total energy production. It accounts five times more than solar energy and three times more than wind energy.
Geothermal energy resources range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth's surface. It has a range even deeper down to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.
Geothermal heat pumps tap into this resource to heat and cool buildings. A geothermal heat pump system consists of a heat pump, a heat exchanger (the system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building) and an air delivery system or ductwork. Here is how it works:
• In the winter, the heat pump removes heat from the system of pipes (heat exchanger) and pumps it into the indoor air delivery system.
• In the summer, just the reverse, the heat pump moves heat from the indoor air into the heat exchanger. The heat removed from the indoor air during the summer can also be used to provide a free source of hot water. (piping it thru a water heater)
Geothermal is a very simple principle and because of its stable source, which is Earth itself, it makes its use universal and one of the most versatile of all renewable energy sources. With the dawning of inexpensive technologies and the growing demand for renewable energy, consumer use of geothermal is growing rapidly.
Geothermal energy can be created for homes, businesses or apartment buildings to reduce energy waste and consumption, using a system described above. A large scale operation would be geothermal energy plants.


What is Net Metering and How Does Net Metering Work?

>> Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is Net Metering and How Does Net Metering Work?
Net metering is a simplified method of metering system that measures the difference between the electricity you buy from your local utility company that you have consumed and the excess electricity you produce using own renewable energy generator, such as a small wind turbine or a small-scale energy generating systems. It is a special metering and billing arrangement between you and your utility company.
How Does Net Metering Work?

Normally, your electric meter runs “forward” as it measures the amount of electricity that you consume in your home or business. Under net metering, your electric meter keeps track of this “net” difference as your generation system makes more electricity than you need at any given time. Net metering then allows this electricity to run “backward” through your electric meter and out into the electric grid. This causes the meter to run in reverse, which means, in some states, you will receive full retail value for the electricity you generate. Generating excess electricity puts electricity back into the electric grid. Basically, you will spin your existing home or business electricity meter backwards, effectively banking the electricity until it is needed by the utility company’s customers. Without net metering the excess production is sold to the utility at a much lower price. In some states, the customer may choose to install an additional meter to separately measure the output of your generating system. The electricity you generate will be subtracted from the electricity you consume.
Under existing federal law (PURPA, Section 210) utility customers can use the electricity they generate with a wind turbine to supply their own lights and appliances, offsetting electricity they would otherwise have to purchase from the utility at the retail price. When you produce any excess electricity, beyond what is needed to meet your own needs, the utility purchases that excess electricity at the wholesale or ‘avoided cost’ price, which is much lower than the retail price. Net metering simplifies this arrangement by allowing you to use any excess electricity to offset your electricity used at other times during the billing period. You are billed only for the net energy consumed during the billing period.
You first step is to contact your local utility company. They can provide you with the details about the technical requirements, the approval process, and how to obtain your net-metering agreement.
For more information on Net Metering and Renewable Energy using wind power, Click Here!


What is the benefit of Net Energy Metering?

What is the benefit of Net Energy Metering?

The benefit of net energy metering is the electricity generated by your system will be valued at the full retail electricity rates you pay for solar and small wind generators. This means that your system should save you more money than if you did not have net energy metering....(read more here)


Micro Hydro for Sustainable Living

>> Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Micro Hydro for Sustainable Living
One of the least tapped resources for sustainable living is the energy in flowing water. I know, there is Niagara Falls and the huge James Bay Project. Those are all gigantic hydro generator plants, what about that small river right in your own back yard.
Most rivers have some form of flood control implemented, but how many use that flood control dam to produce power?
In our town the answer is ‘none’. That one small watershed dam could easily power the small town near where we live. Easily!
Thankfully there are now some federal government programs and initiatives to make this happen on a small scale local level. Think about the difference it would make to your life if your community got together and installed a small micro hydro turbine to run your homes.
No more electricity bills! And sustainable living as long as that water flows. Conservation for sustainable living. One last concept that should be addressed is conserving what we do have right now. While conservation doesn’t directly lead to sustainable living it does slow down the process of resource usage. Change a couple light bulbs to compact fluorescent, switch to solar panels, or just turn off the TV one day a week. Conservation will lead to sustainable living if you do it consistently.(For the rest of the story and more information Click Here!


#1 Reason to Window Tint: Solar Energy Control.

#1 Reason to Window Tint: Solar Energy Control. Who Needs It?
More and more people are getting interested in renewable energy and helping our environment by preserving precious resources. Window film is energy efficient and energy efficiency is our cleanest, quickest, and cheapest way to reduce our waste of the Earth’s energy supplies. So, who needs window film for solar energy control? Here are a few examples:
• Home Owners
• Renters With Responsibilities For Paying Utilities
• Real Estate Rental and Management Firms
• Interior Decorator/Designers
• Heating/Air Conditioning
• Retail Stores and Small Commercial Buildings
• Government Buildings
• Architects and Engineers
• Hotels and Motels
• Utilities' Management
Do you believe the cost of energy efficiency is worth consideration? Here are some top reasons why we should then consider window tinting our windows for solar energy control.
• Lower energy demands from utilities
• Reduces utility consumption and waste
• Reduces utility costs
• Significantly reduces solar heat gain
• Reduces HVAC equipment wear and tear/maintenance costs
• Decreases demand for new power generating facilities
• Decreases environmental emissions
How does window tinting reduce our energy consumption and waste? Simply by reducing your heating and air conditioning usage. By using our heating and air conditioning units less, we will consume less energy, saving money on utilities. Window film technology rejects heat coming from solar energy directed at you home or business in summer time conditions, thus reducing air conditioner usage and utility costs. In winter time conditions, heat is retained inside by the barrier that window film provides on our windows, reducing heating usage and costs.
You can make a difference everyday.


Make Your Own Electricity - wikiHow

>> Monday, September 8, 2008

Make Your Own Electricity - wikiHow
As a part of 'Energy Independence', generating electricity is the easiest and most flexible thing you can do. You can do anything from generate power to run a gate or garage door opener, put lights and power in an outbuilding, sell power back to the grid to cut your electric bill, or even completely live without power from a utility company and operate an electric car.


Renewable Energy Guide

>> Sunday, September 7, 2008

Renewable Energy Solutions - 5 Book Deal!
1. Build A Wind Generator
2. Make Biodiesel Fuel
3. Build and Install Solar Panels Guide
4. Build Your Own Home
5. Renewable Energy Solutions For Home, Car And Business.
These are the many ways to make your home energy efficient.
100% guaranteed! For more of the report Click Here!


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The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy: Achieving Energy Independence Through Solar, Wind, Biomass and Hydropower The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy: Achieving Energy Independence Through Solar, Wind, Biomass and Hydropower

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Real Goods Solar Living Source Book: Your Complete Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Living

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Handbook of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

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Homemade Windmills, Battery Welders, Wind Turbine Blades, Etc. Homemade Windmills And Free Forklift Batteries - Become Self Sufficient, Refurbish Dead Batteries, Make 3,000 Watt Windmills. Make 2,000 Amp Meters For $20, Make 15,000 Watt Welder For $60 Or Less.

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