Micro Hydro for Sustainable Living

>> Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Micro Hydro for Sustainable Living
One of the least tapped resources for sustainable living is the energy in flowing water. I know, there is Niagara Falls and the huge James Bay Project. Those are all gigantic hydro generator plants, what about that small river right in your own back yard.
Most rivers have some form of flood control implemented, but how many use that flood control dam to produce power?
In our town the answer is ‘none’. That one small watershed dam could easily power the small town near where we live. Easily!
Thankfully there are now some federal government programs and initiatives to make this happen on a small scale local level. Think about the difference it would make to your life if your community got together and installed a small micro hydro turbine to run your homes.
No more electricity bills! And sustainable living as long as that water flows. Conservation for sustainable living. One last concept that should be addressed is conserving what we do have right now. While conservation doesn’t directly lead to sustainable living it does slow down the process of resource usage. Change a couple light bulbs to compact fluorescent, switch to solar panels, or just turn off the TV one day a week. Conservation will lead to sustainable living if you do it consistently.(For the rest of the story and more information Click Here!


#1 Reason to Window Tint: Solar Energy Control.

#1 Reason to Window Tint: Solar Energy Control. Who Needs It?
More and more people are getting interested in renewable energy and helping our environment by preserving precious resources. Window film is energy efficient and energy efficiency is our cleanest, quickest, and cheapest way to reduce our waste of the Earth’s energy supplies. So, who needs window film for solar energy control? Here are a few examples:
• Home Owners
• Renters With Responsibilities For Paying Utilities
• Real Estate Rental and Management Firms
• Interior Decorator/Designers
• Heating/Air Conditioning
• Retail Stores and Small Commercial Buildings
• Government Buildings
• Architects and Engineers
• Hotels and Motels
• Utilities' Management
Do you believe the cost of energy efficiency is worth consideration? Here are some top reasons why we should then consider window tinting our windows for solar energy control.
• Lower energy demands from utilities
• Reduces utility consumption and waste
• Reduces utility costs
• Significantly reduces solar heat gain
• Reduces HVAC equipment wear and tear/maintenance costs
• Decreases demand for new power generating facilities
• Decreases environmental emissions
How does window tinting reduce our energy consumption and waste? Simply by reducing your heating and air conditioning usage. By using our heating and air conditioning units less, we will consume less energy, saving money on utilities. Window film technology rejects heat coming from solar energy directed at you home or business in summer time conditions, thus reducing air conditioner usage and utility costs. In winter time conditions, heat is retained inside by the barrier that window film provides on our windows, reducing heating usage and costs.
You can make a difference everyday.


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